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Bournville Primary School

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Admission Arrangements

Admission arrangements include the admission rules for schools in our trust and the procedures which will be followed for admission to school.


Admission arrangements must be decided upon every year - this is known as 'determining' the admission arrangements.


Admission authorities (the local authority or the school's governing body/academy trust) must determine their admission arrangements by 28 February each year.

Determined Admission Arrangements 2023-2024

The Trust Board have determined Admissions Arrangements for 2023-2024. Please see full document:

Determined Admissions Arrangements for 2024-2025
The Trust Board have determined Admissions Arrangements for 2024-25. Please see full document:

Determined Admissions Arrangements for 2025-2026
The Trust Board have determined Admissions Arrangements for 2025-26. Please see full document:

Admission arrangements for Bournville Nursery and Pre-School

  • Bournville Nursery Admissions Policy and Bournville Pre-school Admissions Policy documents can be found here

