Young Carers
Young Carers Information Board located outside The Starlight Room
What is Young Carers?
We know that lots of our children in school have an active role in helping out at home.
Young carers take on this role because they live with a parent, carer or sibling who is experiencing any of the following:
Physical disability
Physical Illness
Experiences mental ill health
Has difficulties managing their use of alcohol
Has difficulties managing their use of substances.
Children can be young carers from 5 years old. They usually help out with all sorts of things to make life easier at home for their families such as:
Why do we offer support to Young Carers in school?
We want children to feel that school is somewhere that they can focus on all the experiences that are happening in school, without being distracted or worried about how things are at home.
What do we do to help Young Carers?
We run groups in school
We have assemblies
We offer pastoral support to offload worries
We refer to the local Young Carers groups where children can access trips and groups outside of the home
If you think that you have a child that may be a young carer you can call the school on 01934 427130 and ask to speak to Lorraine Grindle or Christina Prewitt Martin who are our young Carers champions.
Young Carers websites that may help you find information and support
Young Minds Carers
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