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Bournville Primary School

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School Council

Our School Council consists of two children per class from Year 1 upwards. They are voted for in a democratic ballot and attend regular meetings.

The role of the school councillors is to:

  • provide the voice of the children
  • to be role models for the school and community
  • assist with the planning of whole school events
  • attend and contribute to whole school events
  • communicate with outside agencies and organisations to provide a link between the school and community


For more information about what the school council does within school please call the school office on 01934 427130 and ask to speak to the lead for the School Council:

Helen Maloney




Exciting news to come - our School Councillors for the 2024-2025 school year and currently being voted in. 

CouncillorYear Group
Olly K   (Chair)6
Morgan W6
Lilah N6
Wyatt R6
Amelia R6
Ollie K5
Emily O5
Luna I5
Brax P4
Roman H4
Harper H4
Ivy-Belle S3
Tallulah T3
Ashley - James3
Jenson W2
Elenor G2
Jaxx P2
Kaasvy B2
Leo A1
Delilah M1
Ariko N1
Disney J1


