What if i'm not Happy?
What if I am not happy with the provision the school is making for my child?
If you feel that your child’s needs are not being met within school, follow this simple flowchart:
For further information see the complaints procedures section of the website.
Any queries, concerns or complaints about SEND provision by parents or carers should initially be raised informally, whether by e-mail, letter or a telephone conversation with the school’s SENDCo. The SENDCo will investigate and use reasonable endeavours to follow up with the parent/carer within five school days from receiving the complaint. If this contact does not resolve the matter, parents/carers should follow the formal process, as set out in our complaints policy and procedure.
You may find speaking with your local information, advice and support service helpful. This body is independent of the local authority and can provide impartial advice about the law on SEND, local SEND arrangements and support for your child’s needs.