School Meals
School Meals Menu
Our school meals are cooked fresh on the premises in our kitchen by Aspens. A school meal is priced at £2.55 per day/per child for those not in receipt of Free School Meals. Payment for your child’s meals should be made each Monday in advance for that week or on the day the meal is required.
To qualify for free school meals, parents or carers must receive one or more of these benefits:
- child tax credit, provided your annual income as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs does not exceed £16,190. If you receive working tax credit you will not be entitled unless you’re in receipt of a four-week run-on
- guarantee element of state pension credit
- income support
- income-based job seekers allowance
- income-related employment support allowance
- support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
We urge families to be sure to claim this service even if your child is in Reception, year 1 or 2. Part of our school budget (£1,300 per child per year) is determined by the number of pupils receiving free school meals. By claiming this, you will actually be helping to ensure maximum resources for your child within the school. Your child will also be eligible to receive free milk throughout their time at school. If you need further advice please speak to our office team, they will be pleased to help you and give you all relevant information and forms.
From September 2014 every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receives a free school meal under the Universal Free School Meal offer.
All school meals are served in the dining hall which is adjacent to the kitchens. The school operates 2 sittings per day, with the younger children and older buddy table leaders taking first sitting.
For Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children, if you wish your child to have school meals please send the correct dinner money – currently £2.50 per day (in a named envelope) on a Monday morning for the whole week or pay via Parent pay in advance. School meals are excellent and cooked on the premises.
Children in year 3, 4, 5 or 6 may also bring a packed lunch but not hot/fizzy drinks or glass containers.
The school encourages ‘healthy eating’ and provides FREE fruit / vegetables each day as we are involved in the government’s initiative providing fruit and vegetables to all 4 – 7 year olds.
Children will receive free milk, a third pint carton up to their fifth birthday.
Children over the age of 5 can continue to receive milk in one of two ways.
If they are entitled to free school meals (not universal free school meals) milk can be provide free of charge throughout their time at school. Please contact the school office if your child is entitled to free school meals and would like to receive milk.
If children are not free school meal eligible, an opportunity to continue receiving milk beyond their fifth birthday is available at a cost, direct from the dairy (01934 510950).
In order to further promote the school as a healthy school we ask that children do not bring in sugar based drinks.
Water is available for children to drink at all times from both water fountains and classrooms as well as at lunch time.