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Bournville Primary School

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Attendance - Every Day Counts

School attendance is a very important part of your child's educational experience.  The best pupils outcomes are achieved by children attending regularly at school. 


What if my child is unable to attend?   

If your child is unable to attend school, you should contact school as soon as possible to report the absence.  We will need to know why your child is unable to attend and when you expect them to return.  If your child does not arrive by registration close, the school will contact you via text or phone call to find out why your child is absent.  


How do school monitor attendance?

Our attendance team monitor attendance daily.  Where attendance falls below acceptable levels, we contact parents and discuss any problems that may be causing issues with attendance.  We are eager to work with and support families.  We encourage parents to talk to school about any barriers they have to ensuring their child attend regularly.  Bournville work alongside the education welfare team at ELAN to continuously improve attendance across the school.  


Attendance Changes August 2024

Turn up Ted Winners for the week begining 9th December 2024 was 4a with 98% Well done

smileyA big congratulations to the 20 pupils who achieved a 100% attendance for the school year 2023/2024


Attendance Champions- Lorraine Grindle and Maria Siewertsen

