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Bournville Primary School

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School Uniform

We are very proud of our school uniform and believe that wearing school uniform has a positive effect on improving children's attitudes to classroom and general school behaviour, also it helps to create a sense of common purpose and identity in the school.


We are mindful of the cost of school uniforms, therefore we purposely make our uniform accessible – it can be purchased cheaply from supermarkets and, although branded items with our school logo are available, these are not a requirement.


Affordably priced: Items with the school logo can be purchased through our uniform supplier if families wish to choose this option but it is not an essential requirement.


We are committed to meeting the DfE’s (Department for Education) recommendations on costs and value for money. Every care is taken to ensure that our uniform is affordable for all current and future pupils, and that the best value for money is secured through reputable suppliers which we review regularly.


Non-branded is OK: The school keeps branded uniform items to a minimum and they are not a requirement. We encourage families, especially those with children in Reception, Y1 and Y2, to purchase plain, unbranded uniform. This is cheaper and better suited for children when they are growing quickly and getting messy during self-led play.


Items of unbranded school uniform in our school colour can be purchased easily and cheaply from a wide selection of local shops and supermarkets.


Pre-loved uniform: The school welcomes donations of any outgrown or unwanted school uniform still in a usable condition so that we can support families with accessing items of pre-loved school uniform as well as cutting down on waste. Should you find that you need any help with uniform, please contact the school office on or 01934 427130.


Our school colours are navy blue, grey and white.  We have navy blue sweatshirts with the school logo available for purchase at very reasonable prices from the school office.  Alternative plain uniform without logo can be purchased from many supermarkets at low cost.


Although school uniform is not compulsory, we ask you to make sure that your child is dressed suitably for coming to school and be tidy in appearance.  Jeans, casual clothes and fashion shoes (these include high-heeled, sling-back clogs, mules and open-toed sandals which constitute a health and safety risk in a building with long corridors and stairs) are not suitable for school wear.  If you would like more information please call the school office on 01934 427130.


We recommend the following uniform items:


- Navy blue jumper, cardigan or navy blue school sweatshirt

- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress

- White polo shirt, shirt or blouse


In the warmer summer months, children can wear:

- Black or grey shorts or skirt with white polo shirt

- Navy blue and white check dress


Protection from the sun is an important aspect of school summer clothing and the Public Health Authority clearly warns parents that exposed skin during the summer period can lead to serious skin disorders.


PE Kit

- Black or white shorts

- Navy blue or white t-shirt

- One pair of plimsolls (daps)

- Bag for PE kit. 

It is a compulsory element of health education that all pupils should have a change of clothing for PE with suitable footwear.


As well as sweatshirts, cardigans and fleeces with the school logo, book bags can be purchased from the school office.


Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with your child's name.

