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Bournville Primary School

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Safeguarding curriculum

There is a planned curriculum for safeguarding. This teaches your children how to keep themselves safe and what to do if any adult makes them feel unsafe. This curriculum covers many key aspects about how children can be safe and is supported by external organisations such as:

Jigsaw PHSE, Childline, KOOTH, NSPCC, and NSSCP‘s booklet entitled ‘Adults who work with me’. A copy of this can be requested from the school office and a copy is kept in every classroom.


Topics covered include:


  • Our homes and community
  • Presents and rewards
  • Healthy Relationships including consent and permission
  • Communication
  • Safe and Positive Touch
  • Caring for me
  • Transport and trips
  • Photography and videos
  • Talking about worries and emotions
  • How to stay safe in the environment
  • How we can keep our bodies safe and healthy

