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Bournville Primary School

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Computing Rationale


At Bournville we want to prepare pupils for their future lives by supporting them to develop:

  • problem solving skills
  • resilience
  • creativity
  • the skills to work collaboratively, contribute to society and be good citizens
  • an understanding of how to keep themselves safe

These aims are met in computing through:

  • Developing computational thinking skills which they can apply both when carrying out computing tasks, and across other areas of the curriculum and life
  • Developing strategies for debugging, getting ‘unstuck’ and sticking with a problem even when it is challenging
  • Allowing pupils to demonstrate their creativity by exploring, creating and using a range of digital tools both creatively and for a range of purposes
  • Encouraging pupils to work together to solve problems and actively use pair programming to improve their skills
  • Developing a clear understanding of their responsibilities when using digital technologies so that they become good digital citizens
  • Understand the opportunities that technology offer but also be aware of issues and the ways in which they can protect themselves from harm

