Y6 Transition
At Bournville Primary School, we know how important it is to ensure that all of our Year 6 pupils have a successful transition to their new secondary schools. Our Year 6 team, along with our pastoral team, work very closely with all of the secondary schools meeting with them in the run up to September sharing their knowledge and achievements about each individual pupil. As well as this, staff from the secondary schools visit the pupils in school and meet with the children where they share information about their school. The children also get the opportunity to ask any questions they have.
Visiting Secondary Schools
In term 6, Year 6 pupils are invited to visit their secondary school for a day or two. This gives the pupils a real life experience of what to expect when they start in September. They can practise walking to school, meeting new teachers and new friends.
Into University
As well as this, Year 6 will be able to visit the Into University team for a transition workshop where the focus is on timetabling, organisation and expectations of their new school. During term 6, our PSHE curriculum focuses on transition to secondary school. The children will be able to find out more about their new school looking at similarities and differences to their time at Bournville.
For some of our children, additional visits are required to support transition. We work closely with the school, the child and their families to ensure that the needs are met for the individual child.