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Management of medical conditions

What if my child has a medical need?

Management of Medical Needs and Administration of Medication:


Please see the following policies for more information:

  • Administration of Medication

  • Equality Policy

  • SEN Inclusion Policy

  • Intimate Care Policy

  • Managing medical conditions.


The Children and Families Act (2014) places a duty on schools to make arrangements to support children with medical conditions. Many children who attend our school suffer from a variety of physical and mental conditions including: asthma, allergies and food intolerances. It is important that the school are fully aware of these conditions in order to keep children safe and to ensure full access to the curriculum. If your child suffers from any sort of condition or you are concerned about their health needs in school, please see the flow chart below to ensure the appropriate steps have been taken.


Health Care Plans:

Health Care plans are drawn up for children with life threatening conditions or conditions that require adult intervention to ensure safe and inclusive access to the curriculum. This should include all children with life threatening allergies, epilepsy and regular conditions that require alternative treatment. It is not necessary for a child with asthma or food intolerances and allergies to have a Health Care plan unless the condition is severe and may lead to the need for hospitalisation or emergency treatment. In some cases the SENCo may need to contact the school nursing team in order to draw up a plan. This will be done in collaboration with parents.  If you are unsure about whether your child requires a health care plan, please speak to the SENCo.


Health conditions and SEN:

Children with disabilities and health conditions are not automatically put on the SEN register. Schools have a responsibility to make reasonable adjustments for these children but they will only be placed on the SEN register if they meet the definitions set out in the Code of Practice.


Administering Medication:

Medication is administered at the school’s discretion and each request is considered individually. Medication, with the exception of inhalers, must be provided to the office so that it can be kept securely. It must be in the original container with the pharmacy label containing the child’s name and the dosage to be given clearly visible.  School will administer medication as per the pharmacy label and not according to other plans or forms that may have been completed, so please ensure that medication is updated if the dosage changes. Inhalers must be given to class teachers to be kept securely in the classroom. Please note, it is the responsibility of the parent / carer to ensure that the correct medication is provided and that this medication is in date. Staff will not administer any medication that is out of date.


