SEN Abbreviations
A guide to Acronyms
Below is a list of some of the most commonly used acronyms:
AAC: Alternative and Augmentative Communication
ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
AEN: Additional Educational Needs
ASD: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
BDD: Body Dysmorphic Disorder
CAMHS: Child and adolescent mental health service.
CF: Cystic Fibrosis
CLD: Complex Learning Needs
CoP: Code of Practice
CP: Cerebral Palsy
CYP: Children and Young People
DS: Downs Syndrome
DCD: Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (Dyspraxia)
DVD: Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia
DYSC: Dyscalculia
DYSL: Dyslexia
DYSP: Dyspraxia
EAL: English as an additional Language
EHCP: Education, Health & Care Plan
EOTAS: Education other than at school
EP: Educational Psychologist
EWO: Education Welfare Officer
HI/VI/PI: Hearing impairment /visual impairment /physical impairment
ISP: Individual Support Plan
LAC: Looked after children
LSA: Learning Support Assistant
MD: Muscular Dystrophy
MLD: Moderate learning difficulties
MSI: Multi-Sensory Impairment
OT: Occupational therapist
PDA: Pathological Demand Avoidance
PECs: Picture Exchange Communication
PEEP: Personal, Emergency Evacuation Plan
PLASC: Pupil Level Annual School Census
PMLD: Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
PSI: Physical and Sensory Impairment
PT: Physiotherapist
S & L: Speech and Language
SaLT: Speech and Language Therapist
SEMH: Social, Emotional, Mental Health Needs
SENDCo: Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator
SENDIST: Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal
SLCN: Speech, Language, communication needs
SLD: Severe Learning Difficulties
SLSA: Speech and Language Support Assistant
SLD: Severe Learning Difficulties
SpLD: Specific Learning Difficulties (i.e.: dyslexia, dyscalculia etc).