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Bournville Primary School

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Bournville Fundraising Group

BFG - Bournville Fundraising Group (PTA)


  • Chair - Kylie Statham
  • Vice Chair - Sarah Sillick
  • Treasurer - Helen Maloney
  • Secretary – Maria Siewertson


The aim of the BFG is to organise fundraising events across the school year that all our families can be involved in.  Funds raised will then be put back into the school to enrich the curriculum experiences for all children.  This fundraising group aims to benefit every single child throughout their time at Bournville School. If any parents want to be involved in the organisation of any of our events, please see Kylie Statham . 


Here are just some examples of the amazing contributions made in 2023-2024:


  • Every year 6 child received a leavers hoody to mark their time in school
  • Every child in reception received a book bag
  • Money was given to allow for the development of the Children's Wellbeing Therapy Room
  • Multiple classes have received contributions towards class trips to reduce cost for parents
  • Mental Health Resources
  • Forest School Resources


Events coming up in 2024-2025


Movie Nights


Santa Experience

Christmas Fair

Summer Fair



Cake Sales

Wonka Bars - will you find a golden ticket?

Craft Nights


If you have any suggestions of events you'd like us to consider then please do come and speak to one of the team.




