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Bournville Primary School

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Visitors in school

All visitors to school are expected to follow the schools safeguarding policies and procedures in order to ensure that they know what their duties are  for keeping children safe.

All visitors are expected to sign in on arrival on the school's electronic signing in device and familiarise themselves with the safety procedures for when they are on site.  These can be found in our visitors leaflet which is displayed in the reception area or can be viewed below.


Visitors Information leaflet

Before your visit:

  • If you’re self-employed or visiting on behalf of an organisation, be prepared to share your safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures in advance. The school will need to check that your safeguarding measures meet their standards.
  • Organisations should provide the school with written confirmation that visitors have been recruited following safer recruitment. This includes confirmation that anyone working or volunteering with children has undergone the relevant vetting and barring checks. The school will need to check these procedures meet their standards.
  • If you are self-employed, it’s best practice to show the school evidence that you have carried out the appropriate vetting and barring checks for self-employed people.

