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Bournville Primary School

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Pupil Premium Funding

What is ‘Pupil Premium’?

Pupil Premium (PP) funding is an additional sum allocated to schools by the government in addition to the main school budget. It is awarded on the basis of the number of children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) either currently or at any time in the past 6 years.  The funding is seen as a way to address the learning of children identified as vulnerable to underachieving, to support initiatives to ensure that these pupils fulfill their full potential.
Looked After children also receive a premium. From 2012, Service children (those who have or had a parent from an Armed Forces background in the past 3 years) receive a smaller premium.

‘The pupil premium is paid to schools as they are best placed to assess what additional
provision their pupils need.’ Department for Education website, July 2014

As you can see, schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium grant as they see fit. However we are held accountable for how we have used the funding and the impact this has had on the achievement and progress of identified pupils.

Bournville Primary School is a two form entry school which provides education for children from 2 to 11 years old. The school aims to raise children’s aspirations and enable them to achieve their highest potential by providing:

  • A stimulating environment in which to play and learn
  • A welcoming, caring community which supports pupils from all backgrounds, and of all abilities.
  • An open and honest partnership between school and parents which enables us to work together to support all children
  • A happy atmosphere that makes each day a pleasure
  • An ethos that encourages hard work and striving to achieve the best
  • Provision which meets the needs of all learners and inspires a love of learning.


The school serves a community with high levels of social deprivation – within the top 1% nationally. A large number of our children are entitiled to Pupil Premium and we aim to use this to provide opportunities for these children which enable them to achieve their potential.


The key objectives for pupil premium children are;

  • to raise aspirations,
  • improve outcomes
  • improve life chances.


When planning Pupil Premium spending the school aims to ensure it closely matches the needs of our pupil premium children. These needs are varied and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach so the school considers the range of needs and plans to address these. Regular reviews of impact ensure that provision changes to meet the needs of pupil premium children across the school.

Latest Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024

Assessments of children against Age related expectations are made of children from Early Years to Year 6.  As a school we track and monitor progress of children from their starting points.  Children are judged against 4 standards:


Exceeding Age related expectations. 

Working at Age related expectations

Working towards Age related expectations

Working below Age related expectations


Good levels of progress are indicated by children maintaining prior attainment when at the expected standard.  However accelerated progress will be expected for children working below the expected standard in order that they diminish the difference in their outcomes. 


SEND assessment

Some children who have special educational needs are assessed against P level scales, progress measures and time scales are different under this system.

