Dear Parents and Carers,
It is with great sadness that I am writing to let you know that Gail Southan died last
Sunday after a short illness.
Gail had been a part of the Bournville family for a long time: 32 years as a member
of staff working as an LSA, Lunchtime support and Breakfast club worker. In recent
years she had worked with the children in KS2, especially children in Year 4 and
most children in KS2 will have worked with her. Gail was known for the kindness and
nurture that she gave to so many of our children as well as her many years of
experience supporting children across our school. She will be deeply missed by us
Gail was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last summer. She had many close
friends among the staff team and those of us who saw her in the last few weeks
noted how strong and positive she had remained throughout her illness.
I spoke to the whole school this morning at assembly and explained what had
happened. Children were given time and support back in class to ask questions or
discuss the news they had been told. Children were also given the opportunity to
write a message or memory on a butterfly which will be added to a school memorial
to Gail. The staff addressed any questions the children had, but they may have
questions they want to ask at home too. If any parents feel they need support with
this, please do not hesitate to speak to one of the team.
We plan to hold an event to remember Gail in the next few weeks and will let you
know what we have decided when we have more details.
In the meantime, our thoughts are with Gail’s husband, Children and grandchildren.
Best Wishes
Marie Berry