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Staff changes

9th February 2024


Dear Parents, 


I would like to update you about upcoming staff changes in 4a.  This week Miss Reasons accepted a job offer at Mendip Green Primary school and will be leaving Bournville at the end of term 4.  We know changes mid-year can cause anxiety but we are actively recruiting to replace Miss Reasons and we will keep you updated on our progress at the beginning of term 4. 


I am sure you will join me in wishing Miss Reasons every success.  Please be assured that she will be committed to providing the highest quality education for the children until the end of term 4.  Your children have been informed about this news today but please reassure them Miss Reasons will be here when they return after half term.  


Should you wish to discuss this, SLT will be on the gate at the end of the day.  


Best Wishes


Marie Berry

