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Bournville Primary School

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Uniform updates

As we approach the end of term, we just wanted to share with you some updates about school uniform.  Before we start, there are no changes, but we have made a few clarification within the policy. With the start of OPAL play next year, we want to emphasise the importance of uniform that is practical and suitable for active play. These are recommendations directly from our policy:  

4.2 School uniform

Our school uniform colours are navy blue, grey and whiteWe recommend the following uniform items:

  • Navy blue jumper or cardigan which does not display logos or inappropriate images or advertising. Optional: navy blue school branded sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece.
  • Grey / Navy or black trousers, skirt or pinafore dress.  We accept children wearing non logo tracksuit bottoms or leggings. 
  • White polo shirt, shirt or blouse


In the summer months, children may wish to wear:

  • Black or grey shorts, skirts or skorts
  • Navy blue and white check dress


  • Footwear should be plain and secured to the foot (laces, Velcro or buckled straps) and be suitable for active play. Plain trainers are acceptable and should be suitable for play and where possible unbranded.  If children have wellington boots they can bring into school, these would be helpful to engage with OPAL. 


PE Kit

  • Black or white non logo shorts / leggings or tracksuit bottoms
  • Navy blue or white t-shirt
  • Suitable footwear to take part in sport
  • Bag for PE kit 


Please can we emphasise the importance of plain items. Clothing with large logos or prints is not suitable for school. 

Also since the success of our recent seconds uniform event, our extra uniform supplies have been significantly depleted.  We would welcome donations of your old uniform items that are still in good wearable condition. 


If you have any questions about school uniform, please contact the school directly.  

