Updated guidance for the return of all pupils to school in September.
Please follow the link below to the updated guidance for all pupils returning to school on Thursday 3rd September 2020.
We have worked to cover everything you need to know but with the whole school returning and new information regularly being released this guidance may change.
As a community you have been amazingly supportive and patient with us to manage the changes and I am sure that you will continue to support us to make the return for pupils as smooth as possible.
We cannot wait to see all the children back in school next week and are looking forward to meeting all of our new reception, nursery and preschool starters.
The school office will be open on Friday 28th August between 1pm and 3pm for you to purchase any uniform.
Should you have any questions about the guidance we will be available on the phone from Tuesday 1st September 01934427130. Alternatively email school at office@bournville.extendlearning.org
Many thanks
Marie Berry